

MEPC 69 is crucial landmark for IMO to CO2 reduction

Jan 19, 2016 4:24:00 PM

The Sustainable Shipping Initiative (SSI), a pioneering coalition of companies from across the global shipping industry has released a statement at December 19, 2015, which calls upon the International Maritime Organisation (IMO) to show real leadership in creating an ambitious and progressive global framework that will facilitate the necessary and urgent reduction in CO2 emissions from the industry that is needed to support the below 2-degree target. The SSI stresses that the impending Marine Environmental Committee Meeting (MEPC 69) in April 2016 is a crucial landmark for the IMO to demonstrate to the world its commitment, and for the rest of the industry to show its support in reducing its impact on climate change.

The Sustainable Shipping Initiative’s statement on the outcome of COP21:

The conclusion of COP21, and the unified response by 200 countries to mitigate the huge risks of climate change, should be met with optimism. It is a significant step in getting commitment and setting clear objectives that will require a global move towards alternative, clean and renewable energy.

Although there is no specific mention of shipping within the text, it does not diminish the considerable role that the industry must play in achieving a target of below 2 degrees warming. The scale of the challenge has already been identified and will only be achieved if there is early action by the IMO to create a global framework that is ambitious, progressive, and fully supported by regional regulators and jurisdictions, as well as the industry alike. Similar to the COP21 agreement, shipping must adopt a unified response based on collaboration, pragmatism and controlled urgency.

The Marine Environmental Protection Committee meeting (MEPC69) in April 2016 is a crucial landmark, and an opportunity for the IMO to demonstrate to the world its commitment to shipping playing its part in the global reductions.

Source: Sustainable Shipping Initiative (SSI)


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